My Pretty Princess-Loving Girly Girl turned five years old in October and it was harder than I thought it would be.
As most friends of mine know, CRC has Albinism and vision difficulties so I've always tended to nurture her {some would say "baby"},therefore, I've always thought of her as my "baby!" Even after JClaire was born I couldn't let go of CRC being my baby! For a long time, I wouldn't accept that she was growing up. {Calling myself out again...}I let her have a pacifier for WAY too long. We won't say just how long, but let's just say a LOT of people mentioned it to me and I would always tell them
"She's my baby! She won't go to kindergarten with it!" Haha..
But finally, around the time of her fifth birthday, I accepted it and embraced the fact and for that, I learned to respect her brilliance and watch just how mature and smart she had really become! She wasn't/isn't a baby anymore. She's grown into such a smart, quick witted, gorgeous 5 year old little girl. She will start Kindergarten this coming school year and I'm just a little bit emotional about it!
She got her ears pierced this month! She begged me for them and she did so great!

She was the only one that would pose for a picture with me on New Years Eve-2014!

Smiling big and having fun at her Christmas party :)

At the lake scavenger hunt with CDC's Girl Scout Troop

Sporting some awesome braids. I love love her hair! (Is it ok to be envious of your own child's hair?!)

...and as another mom friend said "Lady Gaga's early years" {Although, I definitely do not want her to turn out like Gaga!}

And hugs for mommy after her Princess Sofia 5th Birthday Party!