So, I plan to blog and spill my thoughts in the hour I get for lunch every day. We shall see how that plays out ;)
I'm really into Clean Eating lately ,so I plan to share TONS of recipes and pictures on here about that because I find myself wanting to share them on Instagram and Facebook and people being appauled and ranting about it. Blah Blah... so I can do what I want here, right? ;)
I've also been trying to exercise vigorously since January 1st. I'll share progress updates and pics at some ponit. Not sure I'm ready for all of that just yet.. haha!
Another fun thought, I'm 27 now... I started my very first blog when I was 21! That's so funny for me think about. I have grown up so much since then and look back and laugh, but appreciate everything I went through to get me where I am today. I try to not have any regrets because they make you who you are, afterall. I mean, some of the clothes and hair styles I have had, I thoroughly regret and tend to throw up a little in my mouth when I see pictures. But other than that, I think of mistakes as life experiences.
Christmas was a blast this past year! It was probably the best ever. I loved seeing the girls' faces when they opened their gifts. I did go a bit overboard in the buying department, but it was worth it! They actually do play with everything too! I'll have to share pictures at some point.
It's almost Valentine's Day now.. that's not a very big blog post. *Rolls eyes* Valentine's Day is never a major thing in my home. It's just such a fake holiday. While, I appreciate roses and candy and all of the other lavish, thoughtful, red gifts... I'd rather receive a gift just because! :)
Anyway, it's almost time to return to the 8-5... at least I take a late lunch and there is only 3 hours left in my day! Then it's off to pick up the girls, cook dinner, clean up, do laundry, give baths, read stories, tuck in bed, exercise, pack lunches for tomorrow, shower, then bed..... Ahhh, the life of a working mom ;) #Loveit #Wouldn'tchangeitfortheworld
Yes, I annoyingly hashtag... Get over it.
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