Time has flown since school started. The girls are doing fantastic and loving every minute.
Cami has had the hardest time adjusting to fourth grade. I've had to send a few very "parental" emails to the teachers to get my point across about being involved with my daughter's studies. She began having overwhelming amounts of homework sent home as well as entirely too many tests per week. I mean one week, she had two sheets of homework per night, 25 spelling words to memorize, 25 vocabulary words, and 3 tests to take on Friday. I was livid! There was no communication and no organization. Thankfully, I got my point across to the teacher and she relayed my email to the principal who then emailed me himself! I was shocked and a little bit nervous to see that email sitting in my Inbox. But, it was all positive and very helpful information. Since then, there has been significantly less homework and half the weekly tests. They also changed the daily schedule from switching between four classes to two! I feel SO accomplished as a mom!! So thankful that I stood up and got involved. ;)
Carrah is beyond brilliant. She is a whiz kid and I'm so proud to be her mom. I literally never have trouble with her in school. She brings 100% home every single day and zooms through her books she has to read. I'm just amazed with her thirst for knowledge. Love love love it!
JClaire is obsessed with PreK. The kid thinks she is a senior in high school and she prances around talking about her friends every day. I'm thankful that she is adjusting so well to only be four years old. I was so worried that she would cry and throw fits about being away from her beloved baby sitter, but she has proven me wrong. We are still working on her learning to write her name, but at least she is recognizing more letters now which is a plus.
Now to the big news!!
We're having a BABY!! I'm beyond ecstatic to be saying this right now. This has been a few months in the making and honestly I was to the point I did not think I was able to have any more kids. Jake even took a fertility test for men to see if he was the issue. We decided it was a God thing and we needed to focus more on Him and devote our life more to Him and in His time, it would happen. And it seems we were right! As soon as we "gave up" trying and accepted our family as it is, Wha - La! I ended up pregnant! We are both over the moon and could not feel more blessed! I'm so thankful for the life that I'm blessed to be living currently and can't wait to see where our future takes us.
Right now, I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow. We've had our first appointment and the baby is perfect! Heartbeat is 165 beats per minute and measuring right on track. It was love at first sight all over again seeing my wiggly baby bean!
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