We've had a wonderful holiday season and first half of school. I don't think I could find much to complain about even if I wanted to.
Christmas was magical! The girls were very blessed this year and I'm so thankful we were able to have such a great day with family and each other. It's the first week back to work and I'm pouting about that a little. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and have been blessed in that department as well, but it's hard coming back after two weeks home with the kiddos!! They were VERY eager to get back to school though! I've never seen kids so excited to get back into the groove. #thankful.
I mostly wanted to document this pregnancy as I have with Carrah and JClaire's. I'm a little over half way through so I'm a bit behind, but I think this is when most of the "exciting" stuff happens anyway. I said 27 weeks pregnant, but I won't technically be 27 weeks until Friday so.. 26 + 4 days today.
Thus far, I've had every symptom known to man. In the beginning of the first trimester I was very sick! Everything made me gag. No food sounded remotely appealing to me, but now things are leveling out and I've packed on the weight (hooray!) Like I said, it has been the holidays and everyone knows how much food is around this time of year.
But I made the goal/resolution/life change/etc.. whatever you want to call it on January 1 to get back to my clean eating habits, whether I'm pregnant or not. It's a great way to live and makes me feel like such a better version of myself! So far so good and I have more energy and all around in a better mood.
Our sweet baby girl is doing well and growing quickly, measuring right around 2lbs 2oz at our last ultrasound this past weekend. She is healthy and active! At this time, she is still head up so I'm praying she flips before labor time! All of my girls have been head down by this point so I'm a little concerned, but the Dr said she will not worry until around 37 weeks!
The ultrasound tech we saw said baby looks "small, but has good cheeks on her." She asked if my other girls were small at birth because Collins is measuring two days ahead of her due date, but she just looks "thin." meaning not a lot of fat, I assumed. I assured her the other girls were small, weighing 6.2, 7.4, and 5.15 respectively. I just think I'm too short (I dare not say "small" because I'm anything , but that) to carry large babies. I don't think they are capable of getting much bigger than 7lbs.
I also found out via the Glucose Tolerance test that I am hypoglycemic. Such a bummer! I am thankful it wasn't the oppsoite and me have Gestational Diabetes. I knew that I was feeling a bit off and lightheaded at times, dizzy, out of balance, but didn't think it could be due to that. The nurse told me to carry a snack with me at all times and eat every two hours. Great....
The most recent picture I have, taken last week sometime.
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