I've always been good about getting our family Christmas cards made, but this year, with everything that's been going on, it has slipped my mind. I decided, last minute(about ten minutes ago to be exact) to try and take some pictures of the girls in front of the tree. They were dressed fairly cute today so I gave it a shot.
CRCis in a really weird, goofy face stage right now. All of her smiles look cheeky. She also looks like she is missing teeth, but I assure you, she isn't. It's that darn paci causing havoc in her mouth. Alas, a few turned out pretty cute.
CDC, as always, is ever so photogenic. :) Even though she was in a funky, grumpy mood!
I like this one because she was really laughing!
This is the best I could do of little CRC. Poor boo bear. She just doesn't care about being clean or neat and tidy like CDC does. lol. Gotta love her though ;)
I think they are possible Christmas card contenders. Just need to try to get one of the both of them together.
The girls are both SO adorable!!