Tuesday, October 26, 2010

CRC's 2nd Birthday!!

On October 21st at 11:59am, CRC turned TWO!! I can't wrap my head around it. Seems like I was just blogging that I was pregnant, then having her, then her first birthday.

Wow.. two years old. She has come such a long way since we brought her home. From not knowing if she could even see to now discovering the world. She knows all of her colors, with ease! Can count to 15 without skipping numbers. Knows her full name and loves loves loves everyone! She is such a sweet precious girl. Everone that meets her instantly loves her. At first, she is just a cutie to look at then you start to listen to her and are just amazed at everything she knows. I'm not meaning to brag, but everyone tells us the same thing. "Wow, she's only 2? I can't believe how much she talks." and you wouldn't think she could talk that well because she always has that paci in her mouth!! That's another thing.. whew! Girl is a paci baby.. err toddler, i guess now. {Sad!!} She loves her paci. Wouldn't go a minute without it, if I let her. The process of de-paci is going to be a tough one!

She's very independent and has a little temper too. She behaves very well and loves to play alone..which is nice for me every once in a while. But, if she wants something, you know she wants it!! She will definitely let you know. She knows she's the baby too. When we asked her if she was going to be the big sister she sat there in silence for a minute and then said "No! I da baby" while patting her chest. {ha!} Uh-Oh!!

We had her party on Saturday and it was a lot of fun. Everyone had a great time and it's such a nice time of the year to have an outside party. She loved opening the presents and believe me, there were a lot of them! Then she dove into the cake right after singing "Happy Birthday!" We had a Dora theme and it was aDORAble! {like that?..ha!}


I've been out for a week or so huh? I've got to get the internet back on at my apartment. Otherwise, i never have free time to come by the cafe and update.

Everything has been going relatively well. Other than Saturday. I woke up Sat morning bleeding and cramping. I don't mean spotting either.. I almost didn't go to the hospital because it was CRCs second birthday party (yes, she turned 2!! I'll write a post on that soon) But my mom finally talked me into going.

I showed up at 10:40am. Thankfully, the girls were with Chris for the weekend. They started by doing a pelvic exam and drawing blood. They drew it out of my hand to start off. I sat around and waited for about an hour, then they finally came back in just to tell me they needed more blood. What?! So, this time they drew it out of my arm{thank goodness!} After that hour was almost up, they ordered an u/s. Which I was super happy about, but I also needed to get to the birthday party! It was at 2pm and they ordered the u/s at 1:45. We had to call and tell everyone just to wait it out, i'd be there soon. So.. the u/s showed that the baby was doing well. He/She had a heartbeat of 167. They said it'll go down as time goes on, but CDC's hb was always that high. What it did show though, was a hemorrage behind the baby where it had pulled away from the uterus wall a little. I think they were worried about a miscarriage if it happened again, so they told me to "take it easy" Don't pick up the girls, don't be running around, up and down stairs, no caffeine, and to drink a pint of water a day. :( They finally let me leave at 3:00.

I'll do anything I can to keep this baby safe, but it's so difficult being a "single" mom, working on my feet for 8 hours, and living upstairs in an apartment. Blah! Everyone has been helping out though.  I have an appt to see the OB doctor on Nov 4th, so we'll see what he says and go from there.

This almost feels like dejavu when I was pregnant with CDC. I had Placenta Previa and bled on and off with her and was put on bedrest for about 2 months. Only this time, they can't call it Previa because it's so early and there's really nothing they can do if my body decides to miscarry.

Here's a pic of bump. I know it's dark.. all these pics are from my phone.
Just an update. I'll try to get back more often and with more pics!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A "Bump" in the Road

I'm a Facebook lover. I really am. However, i've become much more private when it comes to posting about my life on there. For one, because of my silly, short-lived, without thinking relationship I was in for the passed few months. I posted all about it because he made me feel like I didn't care about him if I didn't and people were so confused because it changed with the weather! And two, I just don't feel that every person that I knew in the 6th grade should know intimate details of my personal life.

But, for all you wonderful blog followers that have stuck by me through this stressful rocky year, you get to know the deets!! I.am.pregnant! OMG! I know.. Not the most ideal situation to be in, but it's a baby and it's part of ME! :) So no matter the situation, it's still such a blessing. I'm over the moon. I didn't know what to think at first, but i've dealt with the negative emotion and have now moved on to the positive. I'm extremely sick. I was never sick with the girls.. only a little bit of dizziness. This time, whole other story. I'm SICK! If I don't eat, I get nauseous, if I do eat and it's not something that agrees with me, I get nauseous. I've been surviving on Salt&Vinegar Chips, Pickles, Green Olives, and that's about it.. I'm 7weeks and already "showing" I swear, you may not believe me, but it's true!! I don't know if it is because it's bebe #3 or what, but it's there!